제주 바다, 제주 감성 가득 담은 라이브 소셜!
2025.06.06 (Fri) 05:00pm ~ 11:00pm
1인당 카페 음료 1잔 제공
(당일 카페에세 제공하는 메뉴 중 택1)
*추가로 맥주, 음료, 피자 등 카페 메뉴 개별 구매 가능
Open Live party (Thursday)
The ocean of Jeju, a live social full of Jeju emotions!
2025.06.06 (Fri) 05:00pm ~ 11:00pm
1 cup of cafe drink per person
(Choose 1 from the menu provided at the cafe on the day)
*Additionally, cafe menu items such as beer, drinks, pizza, etc. can be purchased individually.
1. Since Venue 1 does not have a cushioned elastic floor, we plan to host a social event with medium and slow jazz music instead of fast-paced music.
2. The number of applications for the open party is expected to be around 250 people, and applications will be closed on a first-come, first-served basis.
3. Since this event is held with the rental of cafes, extending the time is not possible. Please make sure to check the party time
- 야외 공간을 메인으로 소셜이 진행될 예정입니다. 바닥이 상해도 상관이 없는 여분의 댄스화를 준비해 주시길 추천드립니다.
- 1층 실내공간에서도 소셜이 가능합니다.
- 음료나 피자를 쏟아서 바닥이 더러워졌을 경우, 끈적함이 묻어나지 않도록 즉시 닦거나 스텝에게 청소 요청을 해주시길 바랍니다.
- 우천시 예정되었던 야외 일정은 카페 내부 1,2층 전체를 사용하도록 수정될 수 있습니다.
- Social events will primarily take place in the outdoor space. We advise you to prepare extra dancing shoes that you don't mind getting damaged on the floor.
- Social activities are also available in the indoor space on the first floor.
- In the event of spills from drinks or pizza, please wipe the floor immediately or request assistance from a staff member to prevent sticky residue.
- In the case of rain, the outdoor schedule may be adjusted to utilize the entire first and second floors of the café.